Happenings and How To’s
A peak behind the scenes and a few tips we’ve picked up along the way

5 Ways to Clean Up Your Dialogue Track
It’s no secret that sound is the real heavy lifter in video. As a viewer, you can forgive bad visuals or low resolution, but it’s a lot harder to overlook bad or compressed sound. And if sound is the behind the scenes hero, then dialogue is the behind the scenes behind the scenes hero. Here are some tips to clean up your dialogue track.

8 Tips for a Successful Feedback Screening
Showing people your film in progress can seem intimidating, but it’s an important step in the post-production process. Here are our best tips to help you prepare for a successful feedback screening.

How (and Why) We Created a DIY Interrotron
We wanted to tell a story, and make sure viewers could experience the same earnestness we did speaking with our interviewees. To achieve this, we decided on a unique documentary device we haven’t used too often in our own work: The Interrotron.